Target Macros


blt_add_benchmark( NAME          [name]
                   COMMAND       [command]
                   NUM_MPI_TASKS [n])

Adds a benchmark to the project.

Name that CTest reports.
Command line that will be used to run the test and can include arguments.
Indicates this is an MPI test and how many MPI tasks to use.

This macro adds a benchmark test to the Benchmark CTest configuration which can be run by the run_benchmarks build target. These tests are not run when you use the regular test build target.

This macro is just a thin wrapper around blt_add_test and assists with building up the correct command line for running the benchmark. For more information see blt_add_test.

The underlying executable should be previously added to the build system with blt_add_executable. It should include the necessary benchmarking library in its DEPENDS_ON list.

Any calls to this macro should be guarded with ENABLE_BENCHMARKS unless this option is always on in your build project.


BLT provides a built-in Google Benchmark that is enabled by default if you set ENABLE_BENCHMARKS=ON and can be turned off with the option ENABLE_GBENCHMARK.

    blt_add_executable(NAME    component_benchmark
                       SOURCES my_benchmark.cpp
                       DEPENDS gbenchmark)
         NAME    component_benchmark
         COMMAND component_benchmark "--benchmark_min_time=0.0 --v=3 --benchmark_format=json")


blt_add_executable( NAME       <name>
                    SOURCES    [source1 [source2 ...]]
                    INCLUDES   [dir1 [dir2 ...]]
                    DEFINES    [define1 [define2 ...]]
                    DEPENDS_ON [dep1 [dep2 ...]]
                    OUTPUT_DIR [dir]
                    FOLDER     [name])

Adds an executable target to the project.

Name of the created CMake target
List of all sources to be added
List of include directories both used by this target and inherited by dependent targets
List of compiler defines both used by this target and inherited by dependent targets
List of CMake targets and BLT registered libraries that this target depends on
Directory that this target will built to, defaults to bin
Name of the IDE folder to ease organization

Adds an executable target, called <name>, to be built from the given sources. It also adds the given INCLUDES and DEFINES from the parameters to this macro and adds all inherited information from the list given by DEPENDS_ON. This macro creates a true CMake target that can be altered by other CMake commands like normal, such as set_target_property().


If the first entry in SOURCES is a Fortran source file, the fortran linker is used. (via setting the CMake target property LINKER_LANGUAGE to Fortran )


The FOLDER option is only used when ENABLE_FOLDERS is ON and when the CMake generator supports this feature and will otherwise be ignored.


blt_add_library( NAME         <libname>
                 SOURCES      [source1 [source2 ...]]
                 HEADERS      [header1 [header2 ...]]
                 INCLUDES     [dir1 [dir2 ...]]
                 DEFINES      [define1 [define2 ...]]
                 DEPENDS_ON   [dep1 ...]
                 OUTPUT_NAME  [name]
                 OUTPUT_DIR   [dir]
                 SHARED       [TRUE | FALSE]
                 OBJECT       [TRUE | FALSE]
                 CLEAR_PREFIX [TRUE | FALSE]
                 FOLDER       [name])

Adds a library target to your project.

Name of the created CMake target
List of all sources to be added
List of all headers to be added
List of include directories both used by this target and inherited by dependent targets
List of compiler defines both used by this target and inherited by dependent targets
List of CMake targets and BLT registered libraries that this library depends on
Override built file name of library (defaults to <NAME>)
Directory that this target will built to
Builds library as shared and overrides global BUILD_SHARED_LIBS (defaults to OFF)
Create an Object library
Removes library prefix (defaults to ‘lib’ on linux)
Name of the IDE folder to ease organization

This macro creates a true CMake target that can be altered by other CMake commands like normal, such as set_target_property().

This macro supports three types of libraries automatically: normal, header-only, or object.

Normal libraries are libraries that have sources that are compiled and linked into a single library and have headers that go along with them (unless it’s a Fortran library).

Header-only libraries are useful when you do not want the library separately compiled or are using C++ templates that require the library’s user to instatiate them. These libraries have headers but no sources. To create a header-only library (CMake calls them INTERFACE libraries), simply list all headers under the HEADER argument and do not specify SOURCES (because there aren’t any).

Object libraries are basically a collection of compiled source files that are not archived or linked. They are sometimes useful when you want to solve compilicated linking problems (like circular dependencies) or when you want to combine smaller libraries into one larger library but don’t want the linker to remove unused symbols. Unlike regular CMake object libraries you do not have to use the $<TARGET_OBJECTS:<libname>> syntax, you can just use <libname> with BLT macros. Unless you have a good reason don’t use Object libraries.


BLT Object libraries do not follow CMake’s normal transitivity rules. Due to CMake requiring you install the individual object files if you install the target that uses them. BLT manually adds the INTERFACE target properties to get around this.

This macro uses the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, which is defaulted to OFF, to determine whether the library will be built as shared or static. The optional boolean SHARED argument can be used to override this choice.

If given a DEPENDS_ON argument, this macro will inherit the necessary information from all targets given in the list. This includes CMake targets as well as any BLT registered libraries already defined via blt_register_library. To ease use, all information is used by this library and inherited by anything depending on this library (CMake PUBLIC inheritance).

OUTPUT_NAME is useful when multiple libraries with the same name need to be created by different targets. For example, you might want to build both a shared and static library in the same build instead of building twice, once with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS set to ON and then with OFF. NAME is the CMake target name, OUTPUT_NAME is the created library name.


The FOLDER option is only used when ENABLE_FOLDERS is ON and when the CMake generator supports this feature and will otherwise be ignored.


blt_add_test( NAME            [name]
              COMMAND         [command]
              NUM_MPI_TASKS   [n]
              NUM_OMP_THREADS [n]
              CONFIGURATIONS  [config1 [config2...]])

Adds a test to the project.

Name that CTest reports.
Command line that will be used to run the test and can include arguments.
Indicates this is an MPI test and how many MPI tasks to use.
Indicates this test requires the defined environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS set to the given variable.
Set the CTest configuration for this test. When not specified, the test will be added to the default CTest configuration.

This macro adds the named test to CTest, which is run by the build target test. This macro does not build the executable and requires a prior call to blt_add_executable.

This macro assists with building up the correct command line. It will prepend the RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY target property to the executable.

If NUM_MPI_TASKS is given or ENABLE_WRAP_ALL_TESTS_WITH_MPIEXEC is set, the macro will appropiately use MPIEXEC, MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG, and BLT_MPI_COMMAND_APPEND to create the MPI run line.

MPIEXEC and MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG are filled in by CMake’s FindMPI.cmake but can be overwritten in your host-config specific to your platform. BLT_MPI_COMMAND_APPEND is useful on machines that require extra arguments to MPIEXEC.

If NUM_OMP_THREADS is given, this macro will set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS before running this test. This is done by appending to the CMake tests property.


If you do not require this macros command line assistance, you can call CMake’s add_test() directly. For example, you may have a script checked into your repository you wish to run as a test instead of an executable you built as a part of your build system.

Any calls to this macro should be guarded with ENABLE_TESTS unless this option is always on in your build project.

    blt_add_executable(NAME    my_test
                       SOURCES my_test.cpp)
    blt_add_test(NAME    my_test
                 COMMAND my_test --with-some-argument)


blt_register_library( NAME                     <libname>
                      DEPENDS_ON               [dep1 [dep2 ...]]
                      INCLUDES                 [include1 [include2 ...]]
                      TREAT_INCLUDES_AS_SYSTEM [ON|OFF]
                      FORTRAN_MODULES          [path1 [path2 ..]]
                      LIBRARIES                [lib1 [lib2 ...]]
                      COMPILE_FLAGS            [flag1 [flag2 ..]]
                      LINK_FLAGS               [flag1 [flag2 ..]]
                      DEFINES                  [def1 [def2 ...]] )

Registers a library to the project to ease use in other BLT macro calls.

Stores information about a library in a specific way that is easily recalled in other macros. For example, after registering gtest, you can add gtest to the DEPENDS_ON in your blt_add_executable call and it will add the INCLUDES and LIBRARIES to that executable.

TREAT_INCLUDES_AS_SYSTEM informs the compiler to treat this library’s include paths as system headers. Only some compilers support this. This is useful if the headers generate warnings you want to not have them reported in your build. This defaults to OFF.

This does not actually build the library. This is strictly to ease use after discovering it on your system or building it yourself inside your project.

Note: The OBJECT parameter is for internal BLT support for object libraries and is not for users. Object libraries are created using blt_add_library().

Internally created variables (NAME = “foo”):