Code Check Macros


blt_add_code_checks( PREFIX               <Base name used for created targets>
                     SOURCES              [source1 [source2 ...]]
                     ASTYLE_CFG_FILE      <Path to AStyle config file>
                     CLANGFORMAT_CFG_FILE <Path to ClangFormat config file>
                     UNCRUSTIFY_CFG_FILE  <Path to Uncrustify config file>
                     CPPCHECK_FLAGS       <List of flags added to Cppcheck>)

This macro adds all enabled code check targets for the given SOURCES.

Prefix used for the created code check build targets. For example: <PREFIX>_uncrustify_check
Source list that the code checks will be ran on
Path to AStyle config file
Path to ClangFormat config file
Path to Uncrustify config file
List of flags added to Cppcheck

The purpose of this macro is to enable all code checks in the default manner. It runs all code checks from the working directory CMAKE_BINARY_DIR. If you need more specific functionality you will need to call the individual code check macros yourself.


For library projects that may be included as a subproject of another code via CMake’s add_subproject(), we recommend guarding “code check” targets against being included in other codes. The following check if (“${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}” STREQUAL “${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}”) will stop your code checks from running unless you are the main CMake project.

Sources are filtered based on file extensions for use in these code checks. If you need additional file extensions defined add them to BLT_C_FILE_EXTS and BLT_Fortran_FILE_EXTS. Currently this macro only has code checks for C/C++ and simply filters out the Fortran files.

This macro supports code formatting with either AStyle, ClangFormat, or Uncrustify (but not all at the same time) only if the following requirements are met:

  • AStyle
    • ASTYLE_CFG_FILE is given
    • ASTYLE_EXECUTABLE is defined and found prior to calling this macro
  • ClangFormat
    • CLANGFORMAT_EXECUTABLE is defined and found prior to calling this macro
  • Uncrustify
    • UNCRUSTIFY_CFG_FILE is given
    • UNCRUSTIFY_EXECUTABLE is defined and found prior to calling this macro


ClangFormat does not support a command line option for config files. To work around this, we copy the given config file to the build directory where this macro runs from.

Enabled code formatting checks produce a check build target that will test to see if you are out of compliance with your code formatting and a style build target that will actually modify your source files. It also creates smaller child build targets that follow the pattern <PREFIX>_<astyle|clangformat|uncrustify>_<check|style>.

This macro supports the following static analysis tools with their requirements:

  • CppCheck
    • CPPCHECK_EXECUTABLE is defined and found prior to calling this macro
    • <optional> CPPCHECK_FLAGS added to the cppcheck command line before the sources
  • Clang-Query
    • CLANGQUERY_EXECUTABLE is defined and found prior to calling this macro

These are added as children to the check build target and produce child build targets that follow the pattern <PREFIX>_<cppcheck|clangquery>_check.


blt_add_clang_query_target( NAME              <Created Target Name>
                            WORKING_DIRECTORY <Working Directory>
                            COMMENT           <Additional Comment for Target Invocation>
                            CHECKERS          <specifies a subset of checkers>
                            DIE_ON_MATCH      <TRUE | FALSE (default)>
                            SRC_FILES         [source1 [source2 ...]])

Creates a new build target for running clang-query.

Name of created build target
Directory in which the clang-query command is run. Defaults to where macro is called.
Comment prepended to the build target output
list of checkers to be run by created build target
Causes build failure on first clang-query match. Defaults to FALSE.S
Source list that clang-query will be ran on

Clang-query is a tool used for examining and matching the Clang AST. It is useful for enforcing coding standards and rules on your source code. A good primer on how to use clang-query can be found here.

Turning on DIE_ON_MATCH is useful if you’re using this in CI to enforce rules about your code.

CHECKERS are the static analysis passes to specifically run on the target. The following checker options can be given:

  • (no value) : run all available static analysis checks found
  • (checker1:checker2) : run checker1 and checker2
  • (interpreter) : run the clang-query interpeter to interactively develop queries


blt_add_cppcheck_target( NAME                <Created Target Name>
                         WORKING_DIRECTORY   <Working Directory>
                         PREPEND_FLAGS       <Additional flags for cppcheck>
                         APPEND_FLAGS        <Additional flags for cppcheck>
                         COMMENT             <Additional Comment for Target Invocation>
                         SRC_FILES           [source1 [source2 ...]] )

Creates a new build target for running cppcheck

Name of created build target
Directory in which the clang-query command is run. Defaults to where macro is called.
Additional flags added to the front of the cppcheck flags
Additional flags added to the end of the cppcheck flags
Comment prepended to the build target output
Source list that cppcheck will be ran on

Cppcheck is a static analysis tool for C/C++ code. More information about Cppcheck can be found here.


blt_add_astyle_target( NAME              <Created Target Name>
                       MODIFY_FILES      [TRUE | FALSE (default)]
                       CFG_FILE          <AStyle Configuration File>
                       PREPEND_FLAGS     <Additional Flags to AStyle>
                       APPEND_FLAGS      <Additional Flags to AStyle>
                       COMMENT           <Additional Comment for Target Invocation>
                       WORKING_DIRECTORY <Working Directory>
                       SRC_FILES         [FILE1 [FILE2 ...]] )

Creates a new build target for running AStyle

Name of created build target
Modify the files in place. Defaults to FALSE.
Path to AStyle config file
Additional flags added to the front of the AStyle flags
Additional flags added to the end of the AStyle flags
Comment prepended to the build target output
Directory in which the AStyle command is run. Defaults to where macro is called.
Source list that AStyle will be ran on

AStyle is a Source Code Beautifier for C/C++ code. More information about AStyle can be found here.

When MODIFY_FILES is set to TRUE, modifies the files in place and adds the created build target to the parent style build target. Otherwise the files are not modified and the created target is added to the parent check build target. This target will notify you which files do not conform to your style guide.


Setting MODIFY_FILES to FALSE is only supported in AStyle v2.05 or greater.


blt_add_clangformat_target( NAME              <Created Target Name>
                            MODIFY_FILES      [TRUE | FALSE (default)]
                            CFG_FILE          <ClangFormat Configuration File>
                            PREPEND_FLAGS     <Additional Flags to ClangFormat>
                            APPEND_FLAGS      <Additional Flags to ClangFormat>
                            COMMENT           <Additional Comment for Target Invocation>
                            WORKING_DIRECTORY <Working Directory>
                            SRC_FILES         [FILE1 [FILE2 ...]] )

Creates a new build target for running ClangFormat

Name of created build target
Modify the files in place. Defaults to FALSE.
Path to ClangFormat config file
Additional flags added to the front of the ClangFormat flags
Additional flags added to the end of the ClangFormat flags
Comment prepended to the build target output
Directory in which the ClangFormat command is run. Defaults to where macro is called.
Source list that ClangFormat will be ran on

ClangFormat is a Source Code Beautifier for C/C++ code. More information about ClangFormat can be found here.

When MODIFY_FILES is set to TRUE, modifies the files in place and adds the created build target to the parent style build target. Otherwise the files are not modified and the created target is added to the parent check build target. This target will notify you which files do not conform to your style guide.


ClangFormat does not support a command line option for config files. To work around this, we copy the given config file to the given working directory. We recommend using the build directory ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}. Also if someone is directly including your CMake project in theirs, you may conflict with theirs. We recommend guarding your code checks against this with the following check if (“${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}” STREQUAL “${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}”).


ClangFormat does not support a command line option for check (–dry-run) until version 10. This version is not widely used or available at this time. To work around this, we use an included script called that does not use PREPEND_FLAGS or APPEND_FLAGS in the check build target because the script does not support command line flags passed to clang-format. This script is not used in the style build target.


blt_add_uncrustify_target( NAME              <Created Target Name>
                           MODIFY_FILES      [TRUE | FALSE (default)]
                           CFG_FILE          <Uncrustify Configuration File>
                           PREPEND_FLAGS     <Additional Flags to Uncrustify>
                           APPEND_FLAGS      <Additional Flags to Uncrustify>
                           COMMENT           <Additional Comment for Target Invocation>
                           WORKING_DIRECTORY <Working Directory>
                           SRC_FILES         [source1 [source2 ...]] )

Creates a new build target for running Uncrustify

Name of created build target
Modify the files in place. Defaults to FALSE.
Path to Uncrustify config file
Additional flags added to the front of the Uncrustify flags
Additional flags added to the end of the Uncrustify flags
Comment prepended to the build target output
Directory in which the Uncrustify command is run. Defaults to where macro is called.
Source list that Uncrustify will be ran on

Uncrustify is a Source Code Beautifier for C/C++ code. More information about Uncrustify can be found here.

When MODIFY_FILES is set to TRUE, modifies the files in place and adds the created build target to the parent style build target. Otherwise the files are not modified and the created target is added to the parent check build target. This target will notify you which files do not conform to your style guide. .. Note:

Setting MODIFY_FILES to FALSE is only supported in Uncrustify v0.61 or greater.